Thursday, June 14, 2012

Catching Squirrels (Getting published)

An old almond tree in my backyard feeds a chubby little gray squirrel who acts like he owns it. One day, Zack-the-epileptic-Dachshund, barked loud and long at the nut-gatherer in the tree above. As long as I can hear barking, I don’t worry, but things suddenly got quiet, so I peeked out back. Zack stood beneath a tree limb, shaking his head violently. On the lowest branch right above him, the puffed-up squirrel twittered angrily. You should know that Zack HATES water. The squirrel was pissing on him with amazing accuracy--right on my dog’s head.

Every time the squirrel runs along the top of our fence, Zack chases him the full length of the yard, barking fiercely and leaping high . . . well, as high as a miniature Dachshund can get off the ground.

I wondered, “What would he do with that squirrel if he ever caught it?”

Then, it dawned on me. I have a similar dilemma about writing. I chased the Holy Grail and I caught her. After signing a representation contract with a well-known literary agent, I shouted, “Eureka! I’m almost published.”

To my surprise, the conquered squirrel turned out, instead, to be the master. It started with the agent’s manuscript review. She liked it very much but offered a few suggestions for me to consider. I struggled with her recommendations for a grueling three seconds, then promptly began writing the changes. Things were perfect when I sent it back to her, or so I thought.

I had caught the squirrel, but, much like Zack would probably behave, I didn’t know what to do with it. What happens when your dream suddenly becomes reality? Your manuscript, synopsis and blurb are actually going to be presented to decision makers at legacy publishing houses. The classic life conundrum hit me like a ton of bricks. Doubt roared in. Is my author platform up to scrutiny? Is it too late to edit my story one more time? Should I shave off my beard? I found myself in a quandary about what to do next. Instincts failed me. Prior experience did not exist.

Good fortune seems to strike me on the head when I least expect it, and I often do not feel I deserve it. My literary agent, Marisa Corvisiero, gathered me up like some kind of lost child and gently, confidently, guided me into this frightening world of “Holy crap, what do I do now?” She gave me suggestions and waited patiently as I polished my story. She helped formulate my platform. She and her assistant, Stacey Donaghy, crafted a pitch package and began selling my work to mainstream publishers. Last I heard, one of the biggest publishers in the industry is actually reading the whole manuscript. There is a chance I could join some of my favorite authors on a highly recognized label.

I did it, caught the freaking squirrel! I’m down to the last step in the process and hope to make that final cut. Having made it this far, I know my writing satisfied some nebulous industry standard. If I actually sign a major publishing contract out of this long process, it will signal the beginning of the next chapter in my life. It’s that big of a deal for me. And, having survived this test, I know I can do it again. I hope all of you get to experience the thrill of catching your squirrels!


  1. Thank you for sharing your squirrel adventure with us, and please…don’t shave the beard!

    Sass :)

    1. Don't worry, Sass. The beard will stay. It's a nice place from which to hide and study the scary world beyond. Thank you for your support and encouragement...Dean

  2. What a talented squirrel :) Good luck Dean!!

    1. Julie, I, too, was truly impressed with that little critter's accuracy and aggression. I do feel sorry for Zack, though. How humiliating must it be for a dog bred as a varmit-hunting to be pissed upon by dinner? lol

      Thank you for your comment...Dean

  3. Hang in there, Dean. Wishing you luck!

    You realize that dachshunds are tenacious little dogs?

    When you finally get a hold of that squirrel, you'll shake the heck out of it :)

    1. Terry, as a fellow Dachshund owner, you should know. I suspect Zack's unusually high level of aggression toward our little gray squirrel may have as much to do with his urine-drenching as it does his breed.

      Regarding MY squirrel, it won't be long until I know something about my book. You will be among the first to know. Thank you, once again, for your feedback on my manuscript. You helped me catch the squirrel! I'm in your debt....Dean

    2. Dean, you did all the hard, creative work. The hours writing and revising. Great stuff that will find a home.

  4. Fantastic! I agree with Sass, don't shave the beard. I'll be praying that the squirrel doesn't pee on you!

    1. Hi Lucy, as I mentioned to Sass, the beard is safe. However, if that squirrel pees on me, I WILL learn to enjoy BBQ'd rodent. I also will not stand there staring up at him while he empties his bladder--Zack may be sweet, but he's a bit dumb. lol

      Thank you for your comment...Dean

  5. Hi Dean,
    I have nominated you for The Inspiring Blog Award on my blog. I hope you can take the time to check it out.
    Thank you for being you,
    Sass :)

    1. Thank you so much. I will look into it, although, I'm not sure there are seven things about me that others do not know--or, that I would admit. lol

  6. Dean, I'm so thrilled and excited for you, one of my most valued mentors and best of friends! Crossing the proverbial finish line is such a dream come true for a wondrous man most talented, I'M THE ONE HANGING FROM THE CHANDELIER! You rock, Bro! Sending you a virtual bottle of 1907 Heidsieck Champagne! In raised toast, "To Future Best-Selling Author, Dean Sault, A Man of Integrity, Character, and Talent! But most of all, to a man I call friend!" ~Cheetah Kat~

    1. Thank you, Kat, for your encouragement and support. I don't deserve your glowing accolades, but I deeply appreciate your sentiment. My fingers are tightly crossed and I dare not let my hopes expose me to disappointment. I assure you, IF I am offered a publishing contract with a major house, there will be a shout of exhilaration heard all the way across the nation. Again, thank you for your friendship...Dean


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